Tuesday 12 March 2019

Week 13



Flow experience and rule change.
Bigger the class the more the rules you can add.
No boredom

3rd World Farmer experiences:
Feel the experience that others may do
Randomness without reason was frustrating/realistic
Playable, challenge, goal and feedback all required in a game

Common game elements
Socially game elements
Educationally game elements

According to Amory (2007), Educational computer games should:
  • Be relevant, explorative, emotive and engaging
  • Include complex challenges, puzzles or quests
  • Be gender-inclusive and non-confrontational
  • Provide appropriate role models
  • Develop democracy and social capital through dialogue
  • Support authentic learning activities
  • Support the construction of tacit knowledge
MeWe - the new google +

Pair Task - 1
Identify at least 5 different (real world) problem spaces you would like to work on with your students - what part of of this could be a game?
- Climate Change
- Genetic Engineering
- 1080 use
- Kauri Dieback
- Cloning your pet

- Genetic Engineering
Game could be a debate, puzzle, add parts organism to improve it, or not ......

Socialiser - interact with others
Free Spirit - autonomous
Achievers - desire to be competent at everything they do
Players - want extrinsic rewards
Disrupter - kick out of pushing the boundaries

Gameification in leadership - is gamefying non game elements.
Freedom to:
Assume different identities

Ensure not isolated by technolgy and not instantly rewarded.  Valid challenges for the school where max value can be obtained.

Fun theory - using a chore or similar and making it fun

Use Game Theory for TasI

Socialiser - students are taking ownership of their own learning through collaborative group work.  They are peer teaching.