Friday 21 June 2019

Laws, Regulation and Policy

PRACTICE 1: Reflective entry 2: Discuss how aspects of law, regulations and/or policy impact on your teacher inquiry.
The Education Act and Curriculum (updated 2017)
Professional Standards (2017)
So how does this impact on my inquiry??  What does it all mean??  Is this not just more educational talk when all I want to do is teach?

Surely the answer to all of this is simple, it is what we do naturally.  Or is it?  Each year we are continually gathering evidence for our portfolio.  This evidence needs to relate back to the framework that is provided above where we look at the Principle, Values and Key Competencies.  The 21st Century Skills where collaborative learning and critical thinking are so pivotal are part of this.  The formation of our goals for every year is based around the most recent iteration of the teaching standards which come out of this.  The ability to demonstrate these standards relates directly to the inquiry I am undertaking.

This is the crux of what we are here for. To teach our students, not only content but also the ability to flourish in the wider world.  Proof of this lies not only in academic results, but also in our students abilities to interact with eachother; to collaborate.
Te Tiriti or Waitangi Partnership
New Zealand is unique in its cultural make up and as such our teaching needs to reflect this.  We need to look to our history and our communities to best support the learning of our students.  Throughout the inquiry process this needs to be accommodated.
Professional Learning
Using inquiry is a part of this standard.  Looking at collaborative problem solving another which is directly linked to what we are going as this inquiry is not being carried out in isolation.  Being able to share ideas and work together is a vital part of this.
Professional Relationships
Again, the inquiry including the research and collaboration relates directly to this.  We are engaging in reciprocal and collaborative learning-focused relationships.
Learning Focused Culture
The inquiry itself is learning focused.  We are looking at ensuring learning is happening in a way that is conducive to our learners and building capacity for other vital skills important in the 21st century.
Design for Learning
The subject specific knowledge required for our subjects is not the only aspect being taught.  The inquiry is using a specific context but we are looking at an overall pedagogical shift towards a new, and modern curriculum.


  • The strategic Plan for my school for 2019-2021 has 3 goals.  Two can be linked into this.    Creating a culture of belonging is vital in building relationships and being able to work with our students to see success.  Throughout this inquiry, there are many aspects that link into this.  Throughout the process we have to work in consultation with not only the students but the community that is effected by the inquiry.  
  • The creating equity goal states that there should be school while PLD sharing best practice.  What the inquiry is researching can be used to inform teaching and assist others who are teaching the same students.  An important aspect as many staff I have come across a cynical and can't see how research relates to them and their students.  This provides a way of overcoming this.

Teacher Appraisal also plays a role in the inquiry.  It is an expectation that part of our goals for each year, includes a Teaching as Inquiry.  The focus in this inquiry for me, is an extension of what i have been looking at in previous years.  I have not taken this as something completely separate, but something that I am already reflecting on in my teaching and would like to find newer and better ways of doing.  This inquiry is providing a platform for going further and making specific links to research.


Whangarei Boys' High School Board of Trustees (2018). 2019-2021 Strategic Plan.  Retreived from School Intranet.


Ministry of Education (2017). The New Zealand Curriculum. Retrieved from

Education Council (2017). Our Code, Our Standards. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. HI Mrs T. You raise some really interesting points in this post that link to what I've also talked about in my Laws, Regulation and Policy post. I see great value in Teaching as Inquiry (possibly because I led it in my school). However, I have concerns around how everything we do is linked to appraisal/performance and accountability. To me Teaching as Inquiry should be enough! I believe that if done well, TAI leads to personalised and purposeful professional learning, which in turn leads to improved teacher practice, which ultimately leads to improved student outcomes. I think if the 'appraisal / performance' side was removed teachers may be more engaged in Teaching as Inquiry. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for appraisal give the accord between the Government, NZEI and the PPTA.
    Good luck with the rest of your inquiry :-)
