Monday 15 July 2019


Reflective entry 6: Describe the data you have collected so far and how you are analysing it 
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Gathering Data  (nd)

Qualitative information;  GoogleForms....
  • What do you think critical thinking is?
  • Does chalk and talk still work?
  • Is chalk and talk default as it is easier?
  • Is group work and collaboration more efficient in teaching critical thinking?
  • What aspects of collaboration and group work lead to your thinking in question 4?
Being a googleform, this did its own analysis and provided me with pie charts for the easy questions, and then the long answers written for the others.  As explained by Efron and Ravid (2014), I will need to look for the themes that emerge through asking questions like "What is important here? What are the critical incidents? and What are the key elements and issues?" (p171).  Once I find these they can be grouped compared across samples.

WBHS Staff
Some interesting responses here...  of a staff of 13, I had 8 responses.  Many of which, were not backed up by the observations of classes made so far.  The main theme being that both group work and digital work were incorporated however, this was not together.  It was either individual computer work or group work that was paper or experiment based.  What this is showing me is that the work does not have to be inclusive all the time as long as it is supplementary.  Although, there has been one class which currently has just had the students working on individual computers with no other input from the teacher.  It will be interesting to compare to the class results.
Year 10 Students
39 responses from 2 classes, again analysed in the same way as the staff.  The majority of whom appear to enjoy chalk and talk, group work and the incorporation of digital technology.  What can I do with this information and what aspects are important are what to look at next.

Example of GoogleForms results

At present I have only been completing walk through observations of the various classes and I would like to look further at using the Kia Eke Panuku observation tool that was discussed in the action plan for research 2.
Quantitative Data: results from assessments.
The small sample of assessment data to date has results from where I have taught a section of work using only the computers and another section that incorporated group work and class discussion and found that there was a slight difference in the results.  Because this assessment is done online, it automatically gives your the individual results and categorises them for you.  These results show there was a movement in the level of the work produced.  

Results from computer only learning

Results from collaborative learning 

The information from the Mindlab peers was unfortunately not useful as it was so minimal.  

So far, the data I have collected is showing me that this process will need to continue through for a lot longer than the initial cycle indicates.  More data needs to be collected from different classes as the type of teaching varies in each.  The people working in my group all have a similar style of teaching which is relational and uses a lot of collaborative learning.   I think that one of the biggest things to look at is that this sort of inquiry needs to start at the beginning of the year with students who are unknown to the teacher on the whole, to ensure that the outcome was because of the focus of the inquiry and not something else.

The data I now need to collect using the Kia Eke Panuku tool around observation will be interesting to compare to answers from the GoogleForms in these classes also.  To analyse this data I will use a table such as this:
Total students
Māori students
Engaged Māori students
Cognitive Level 1 - 5
Work Completed 1 - 5

The team will all make these observations of eachother and then compare to the results we obtain in the final quantitative assessment results.  This will take longer than the time period allocated at present.

Gather data (nd) Retrieved from

Googleforms Summary of information 2019

Education Perfect results 2019 

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