Wednesday 17 July 2019


Reflective entry 7: Evaluate how your inquiry impacts on future inquiry/practice

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What impact have I seen so far?  Well.... when looking at the data in my last post I am happy to see that what I had hypothesised about collaborative learning and results is true.  However, I am also finding that there is a disparity between what other teachers believe collaboration is and what we are suggesting.  One of the potential impacts discussed in research 2 was around being able to better inform practices across a variety of faculties.  At present the two faculties our group works within, are very insular so we will need to have dedicated time to be able to discuss the findings across these.  

It was interesting to note that LAW and I presented some of our research to our faculty through our TasI a few weeks ago.  Most of the teachers were quite interested in what we had to say and could see the benefit.  The questions asked were insightful and I think that it opened their minds to trying new ideas around more collaborative work, rather than just co-operative and computer based.  Many of the hesitations were based around the ability of students to work equitably within this format and how to overcome, things that we too are still battling with.  This was another of our potential impacts that came to fruition.

Developing critical thinking skills to be able to apply their knowledge and skills in different situations is something that we are still yet to gather evidence for.  Ultimately, it is hoped that this is the outcome but currently the emphasis is still on conveying the knowledge.  Have I really opened my mind and developed my pedagogy to move away from being results driven?  Does my departments framework allow me to try this in a more meaningful way?  Perhaps this is my next inquiry?

Evidence through discussion with students as well as the googleform survey's to date, shows that they like to use computers and to work in groups, however, in Year 10 they do not yet appear to have the capabilities to do so.  They have not been taught it and it is impacting on my ability to be able to see the true potential of what I am trying to do.

When it comes to the teaching staff Lotter et al (2018) have stated that "As teachers move to implement new standards across the content areas, PD must be designed to provide opportunities for teachers to practice with reform-based instructional strategies, reflect on this instruction, and increase both their efficacy and their instructional skills"  This means that in order for our inquiry teachers need to have the skills be trained in how to carry out an inquiry also.  

The takehome message, the impact will be ongoing.  But perhaps who we are trying to impact (the students or us as teachers) needs to be reviewed.  In order for the students to get the biggest impact, all teachers, need to be working from the same page. 

Lotter, C. R., Thompson, S., Dickenson, T. S., Smiley, W. F., Blue, G., & Rea, M. (2018). The Impact of a Practice-Teaching Professional Development Model on Teachers’ Inquiry Instruction and Inquiry Efficacy Beliefs. International Journal of Science & Mathematics Education16(2), 255–273.


Impact - retrieved from 

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