Wednesday 28 November 2018

Week 3 Reflection

Conditions for InnovationTeachers/Innovators: making sure you can use ICT, linked to pedagogy, compatible with technology you are using, know the organisation and social culture of the school. Aware of parents and expectations and availability of tech. Strength of teacher in the pedagogy and trusting that outcomes will come.

School/Context: knowing the equipment, infrastructure is sound. Social culture and school and classroom policies important. Knowing colleagues and accessability. People involved need to be invested and trust in the vision and outcomes.

Project/Innovation: Distance and dependence important. Distance between prior/current practices and the innovation needs to be small and managable to see success. Build upon and evolve the innovations as we go. Dependance on technology and others needs to be minimised to see success.

Distance and dependance is interwoven in all 3 areas

TPACK - Technology, content and pedagogy
Framework combining 3 areas.
Content - what
Pedagogical - how
Technology - partner

Tech to make the content more accessible to the learner using appropriate methods.

4 strands with 2 subheadings
Enhancement - Substitution and Augmentation
Transformation - Modification and Redefinition

Google Tour Builder
Can add resources, information, pics, dates etc.
Good to either get students to create or to show different places.

Collaborative Task

Google+ communitites are phasing out.  Possible options: SLACK, Work Places??

20% Rule -,

Blended Learning
A mixture of online and "brick and mortar" learning
There is benefit in both, its how we use it and the pedagogy that matters
  • Rotational Model
  • Enriched Virtual Model
  • A La Carte Model
  • Flex Model

    Posted next task onto Google+

    Screen Recording Apps
    Zoom, Screen-castomatic, Screencastify.  Getting better at using these tools.

    Monday 26 November 2018

    Conditions for Classroom technology Innovations

    11 factors significantly impact the degree of success of classroom technology innovations.  3 domains for these, the teacher, the innovation and the context.
    A fundamental issue around the interaction between technology and education is the conditions under which technology can be effectively used in classrooms to improve student learning.
    Primary purpose of study was to better undersand the conditions under which technology innovations can successfully take place in classrooms, identification of factors that facilitate or hinder teachers' use of technology in the classroom.

    Results and Discussion - The innovation - the project
    The nature of the innovation was important.  The success depended on how much the innovation was different to the status quo; distance.  This looked at distance from school culture, distance from existing practice and distance from available tech resources.  It also depended upon how much the innovation depended on others people resources, things beyond the teachers control.

    Distance from school culture: often not too different from current thinking, just a dfferent way to present information often using students knowledge.  Where the distance to the school culture was great, the innovation was not very successful.    Ideas that were supposed to be implemented in the school weren't really happening and the project didn't work as such. Everyone in the school must be on board and willing to give it a go if it is going to work, this is for innovation based project as well as other ideas.

    Distance from existing practice: this is down to how different it is to what the teacher does already.  Most successful were ones that were built upon from previous experiences.  The more different it is the harder it is to implement and sustain.

    Distance from tech resources: amount of new technologies needed for successful completion of the innovation.  The smaller the distance, the more successful the outcome.  Using tech already present to minimal installation or purchases to run, etc a new piece of software.

    Dependence on others: all innovations required the cooperation, participations and support of others.  Those with a low level of dependence were again most successful.  The more people needed to get on board the more dificult it is to implement.

    Innovations were more successful when the change was gradual and the "distances and dependences" were smaller.

    Although 3 domains, there is interdependence between them.  "That is, when the teacher was strong, the projects seemed to have a better chance to scceed, when wth innovations that exhibited a high degree of distance and dependence and less-than-supportive contexts..."

    Mastery Learning link.  Pedagogy is important, knowing why/how we do it.

    Wednesday 21 November 2018

    Week 2 Reflection

    Starting to think about what the assessments might look  like...

    Digital 1 Assessment (Due Dec 11) ideas to think about....
    Video submission - group
    • engagement of students in work
    • teachers are stuck in their way of doing things, primarily assessment, and not willing to embrace the change
    • lack of student led learning in sci dept (not just Ed Perfect)
    • Assessment relevance - meeting their needs
    Implementation tips - use rubric downloaded

    Leadership 1 Assessment (Due 5 Feb) ideas to think about...
    Essay submission - individual
    • Literacy leader work
    • Tracking work for seniors
    • Leading the change in 13Bio for flipped classroom
    Coogle - good use of mindmaps for students.
    WordCloud - use word cloud generator in Google Docs
    21st Century Learning Design Acivity Rubrics - downloaded and saved in Drive

    21st century skills - different viewpoints

    • World Economic Forum
      • critical thinking/problem solving
      • creativity
      • communication
      • collaboration
    • ITL Research
      • Collaboration
      • Knowledge building
      • Self regulation
      • Use of ICT
      • Communication
      • Real world problem solving
    • Key Competencies
      • Thinking
      • Using language, symbols & texts
      • Managing self
      • Relating to others
      • Participating and contributing

    Completing the video and editing it was more difficult than we thought.  It took longer than expected.

    Monday 19 November 2018

    Reflection on Preparaton for week 2

    The New Zealand Curriculum identifies 5 key competencies:
    • thinking
    • using language, symbols and texts
    • managing self
    • relating to others
    • participating and contibuting

    These are the key to creating life long learners.  If we can develop these skills in all of our the akonga, we are providing them with the skills necessary to survive.  

    Thinking is not just about content knowledge.  This is about developing the skills to interpert information and use is to inform decisions in the future.  In helping to promote our learners to think were are assisting them to problem solve and analyse situations to be able to make the most of them.

    Students who are competent users of language, symbols and texts are able to influence communication in a number of ways.  They are able to recognise that people have strengths and weaknesses and can identify the best way to work with those people and communicate their ideas appropriately.

    Managing self is ever important in the world today.  With the further use of techology and isolation of people because of this, the ability to set goals, work towards them to complete a job/task is vital. Providing students/learners with the opportunity to develop these skills and supporting them in being able to do so is vital.

    Relating to others again looks different in this digital world.  The ability to use many different methods of communication the development of these skills is necessary in todays everchanging world.

    Participating and contributing is about being actively involved which can be in many different ways.  As leaders it is important that we provide the opprotunity for all learners to experience this and feel comfortable in doing so.

    Video on 21st century skills
    Schools are not good at innovation.  Working together it can be done.
    Change is hard, is it really or is it uncomfortable???
    Schools are dynamic with student ownership of learning
    Balance of constant innovation and tradition

    These do not go together easily so we need to look at what we are doing.  Now education is more like the ecosystem model rather than the industrial one.

    Where do we want to be as educators?
    Anchors - time, space and subject content
    Dams - those that want us to focus on content rather than concept 
    Silos - inwardly focused on what we know and our "areas"

    Break these down and innovation can/will explode
    In this Rapidly changing world, we have to
    • Teach into the unknown
    • Teach them to be self evolving learners
    • Become Self evolving organisations
    Prepare our student for their future not our own past!!

    Challenge - talking about what great learning and education looks like for a long time.  Its time to stop talking about it and start doing it.

    Post Grad Certificate in Digital and Collaborative Learning Week 1

    The first week is down.  Wow, a lot of information.... 

    What makes a good leader - working together with those in the followership role.  Promoting and enhancing the qualities of the those you are working with and supporting them in their areas of weakness to develop them into strengths. 
    A leader is someone who identify the types leadership required and the time and work within these  It is forever changing and should not be underestimated.

    Digital What is knowledge

    The video my group produced for week 1 on what knowledge is.  I feel that this summarises my ideas quite well.

    My vision of education and its visibility in the classroom
    I like to think that i take the view of my students into consideration throughout my lesson.  I have my objectives either on the board for juniors, or laid in in schemes of work etc for the seniors.  From there, I teach through discussion and summarising rather than copying copious amounts of notes.  The students contribute to their own learning by providing prior knowledge and building upon it.