Wednesday 28 November 2018

Week 3 Reflection

Conditions for InnovationTeachers/Innovators: making sure you can use ICT, linked to pedagogy, compatible with technology you are using, know the organisation and social culture of the school. Aware of parents and expectations and availability of tech. Strength of teacher in the pedagogy and trusting that outcomes will come.

School/Context: knowing the equipment, infrastructure is sound. Social culture and school and classroom policies important. Knowing colleagues and accessability. People involved need to be invested and trust in the vision and outcomes.

Project/Innovation: Distance and dependence important. Distance between prior/current practices and the innovation needs to be small and managable to see success. Build upon and evolve the innovations as we go. Dependance on technology and others needs to be minimised to see success.

Distance and dependance is interwoven in all 3 areas

TPACK - Technology, content and pedagogy
Framework combining 3 areas.
Content - what
Pedagogical - how
Technology - partner

Tech to make the content more accessible to the learner using appropriate methods.

4 strands with 2 subheadings
Enhancement - Substitution and Augmentation
Transformation - Modification and Redefinition

Google Tour Builder
Can add resources, information, pics, dates etc.
Good to either get students to create or to show different places.

Collaborative Task

Google+ communitites are phasing out.  Possible options: SLACK, Work Places??

20% Rule -,

Blended Learning
A mixture of online and "brick and mortar" learning
There is benefit in both, its how we use it and the pedagogy that matters
  • Rotational Model
  • Enriched Virtual Model
  • A La Carte Model
  • Flex Model

    Posted next task onto Google+

    Screen Recording Apps
    Zoom, Screen-castomatic, Screencastify.  Getting better at using these tools.

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