Tuesday 4 December 2018

Week 4 Preparation

Top 10 Learning Theories for Digital and Colloaborative Learning

  • Conditioning
    • Pavlov and Skinner
    • Feedback
    • Behaviour and reinforcement focussed
  • Connectionism and the Law of Effect
    • Stimulus and response
    • Incremental learning
    • Reinforcement
    • Thorndike
  • Progressive Education
    • Dewey
    • Self Coverning
    • Co-operation
    • Experiential learning
  • Constructivism: Social Development Theory
    • Vygotsky
    • Social Learning
    • Zone of proximal development
    • More knowledgable other
    • Teacher is facilitator not content provider
  • Constructiveism: Equilibration
    • Piaget
    • Intelligentce
    • Drive towards balance with environment
    • 4 stages of development - sensory, preoperational, concrete, formal
    • Educational environment should provide opportunity for discovery
  • Socical Cognitive Theory
    • Bandura
    • Observation and modelling can give same learning exerpience as direct experience
    • Teachers act as models
    • Media can affect behaviour in a negative way
  • Situated Learning/Cognition
    • Seely Brown
    • Learning is embedded in activity, context and culture in which it is learned
    • Learning is about performace not just accumulation of knowledge
  • Community of Practice
    • Lave and Wenger
    • 3 components - domain, community and practice
    • Learning is unintentional
    • About social relationship; co-operation
  • Constructionism
    • Papert
    • Learning by doing.
    • Abstract thinking
  • Connectivism
    • Siemens
    • Learning theory for digital age
    • New opportunities to learn and share information
    • Can take place across many dimensions
    • How does learning effect technology not just technology effect learning

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