Tuesday 18 December 2018

Week 5 Reflection

Dance physical vs programming.  Make the link...

Video - TedEx (Scratch)
Simple - kids use
Can be interactive
Can make own or use what is already there
Fluent with the technology - expressing themselves and their ideas using the technology

Scratch - comuptational thinking and visual art

Santatracker - on scratch

8 Progress Outcomes of the Computationsal Thinking technology area
What extent are they covered by todays activities

We thought Level 3 others thought it moved further in to level 4

Digital Passport - look into this.  Is is better than google educator??
Send to www.digitalpassport.co.nz
If you need your school's signup code email:
digitalpassport@themindlab.com with your school's name and your teacher registration number

Focus on digital curriculum not digital learning


tinyurl.com/TMLScholarTips to find out how
Google Scholar will show which articles are in "The Mind Lab Library"
Google scholar is a wide search
Quotation marks indicates that it has an APA citation
"Star" will put it into my library
Versions are different places it is found

Are the resources in the mind lab library useful
No.  They seem to be based more around American and Asian research.  Predominantly overseas examples rather than local.  You really need to have a prescriptive goal/purpose and use the search engine in this way.

Knowledge is not understanding - the backwards bike eg

Growth Mindset
Everyone goes through stages where they are in and out of the growth mindset
When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement

Fundatmental capability to learn can be taught

TedEx Talk - Keir

iStop Motion for iPhones

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