Tuesday 18 December 2018

Refelction Week 6

Official Closure will be closed 21 Dec to Jan 6th then back into sessions

Leadership 1 - Critically analyse the leadershp of a change initiative that you were involved with in the past.  Then plan your lweadersip of a fture change intiative.  Identify the leadership theories, styles and attributes used and evaluate theri effectiveness.

Initial due date 5th February.

#MaoriMediumLeadership Theories - Tua Rangatira, Tuakana Teina, Kahikatea, Taita ako, Kia eke panuku
#PedagogicalLeadership - educational approach
#ServantLeadership - empower the follower
#TransformationLeadership - change is involved

Pedagogical Leadership - coggle

Theory - overarching idea
Style - How you put it into practice

My Styles of Leadership from the UK Website...
Your scores are as follows:

Authoritarian 25
Procedural 27
Transformational 36
Participative 39
Laissez-Faire 37

Please note down your scores then see below.
Test results: explanations of the different styles of leadership







Other names

Transactional: the “transaction” is that the organisation rewards (pays) the team, in return for their work & compliance.
Also related to authoritarian
Charismatic leadership is very similar, where the leader depends on his/her charisma & energy to inspire staff.
Democratic or Consulting

Servant: A leader who is not formally recognized. Leads just by meeting the needs of the team. Whole team is involved in decisions.


Florence Nightingale
Barack Obama
Nelson Mandela
Mahatma Gandhi

Amount of control

High: telling, directing, controlling.High: telling, directing, controlling.Medium: selling,  reasoning, persuading,   delegating.Medium: selling,  reasoning,  persuading,  consulting.Low: advising, counseling, participating, observing, joining.

What it involves

The leader has a lot of power over team members & has the right to reward good performance or punish members if they don't reach the agreed standard.
They tell their team what they want done & how without often asking for advice from team members. Team members are given little opportunity to make suggestions, even if these would be in the team's interest.
It should normally only be used occasionally
The focus is on short-term tasks so it's more a a method of managing rather a true leadership style
Work “by the book”: team members follow procedures precisely. 
Focuses only on getting the job done, & can be quite autocratic. 
Little thought given to the well-being of team members
Task Orientated vs relationship orientated: both procedural & transformational leaders are usually needed. "managers" focus on tasks while "leaders" focus on people.
The leader inspires team with their vision of what should happen. They supply the main goal, but allow members to choose their own way of reaching it.
The leader is totally focused on organizing, supporting & developing the team
The leader is always looking for ideas that move towards the organisation’s vision.
Transformation leaders are very visible, & spend lot of time communicating. Communication is the basis for achievement by focusing the group on the required outcome. They don’t necessarily lead from the front, as they tend to delegate responsibility.
Builds consensus through participation: the leader makes the final decision, but the team to contribute to the decision-making process.
The leader asks the team's opinions & uses these to make decisions. The team is kept informed & are allowed to discuss & propose changes to policy.
The leader can't know everything: this is why you employ skillful team members.
This style is not a sign of weakness, more a sign of strength your team will respect.
Team members make the decisions but leader is still responsible for these.
Leader asks for the team's opinions. Team is left to make its own decisions which are then sanctioned by the leader.
Leader participates in the discussion as a normal team member & agrees in advance to carry out whatever decision the group makes. Team members are left to get on with their tasks.
Effective if the leader monitors what is being achieved & regularly communicates this back to the team. 


Works well when you're short on time, & team is well motivated
For some routine & unskilled tasks.
In a crisis.
With difficult employees.
Tasks requiring great attention to detail.
Appropriate for work involving safety risks such as working with machinery or where large sums of moneyare involved.

This is the most common modern leadership style.
When organisational flexibility & a sense of individual responsibility is needed,
Where team working is essential
When quality is more important than speed or productivity.
When you have confidence & trust in your team.
Where team members are experienced & skilled; they can analyse the situation & determine what needs to be done & how to do it. (e.g. team of research scientists).


Can achieve results quickly
In research done on this groups were found to be most productive under autocratic, but if the leader was absent work stopped.
Clearly defines the tasks & the roles required.
Puts structures in placeplanning, organization & monitoring is usually good.
Motivates the team to be effective & efficient.
Tends to lead to good teamwork & creative collaboration.
The enthusiasm & energy of a transformational leader is often infectious.
Can communicate an inspirational vision of the future
Mutual benefit:allows members to feel part of the team & leader to make better decisions.
Members feel in control & motivated to work hardIncreases job satisfaction by involving the team in decisions. Helps to develop team members' skills.
Most consistent in quality & productivity
Increasingly necessary in a world where leaders achieve power on the basis of their ideals & values.
You can't do everything so you have to set priorities& delegate some tasks.


Team doesn't gain from creativity & knowledge of members, so benefits of teamwork are lost.
Staff can't improve their job satisfaction& may resent the way they are treated leading to high absenteeism & staff turnover.
Serious limitations but still much used. Sometimes thought of as bullying but this isn't a valid authoritarian style.
The inflexibility & high levels of control exerted can demoralize team members, & reduce the organisation's ability to react to changing circumstances
Similar problems to autocratic leadership: difficulties in motivating & retaining team members.
Procedural & transformational leadership are symbiotic. The procedural leaders (managers) ensure routine work is done well, while the transformational leaders focus on initiatives that add value. The transformational leader focuses on the big picture, but needs to be surrounded by people who take care of the details.
Taken to extremes, can lead to failure to achieve the team's goals.
This style may result in indecision, & some team members may be left feeling confused & leaderless.
As participation takes time things may happen more slowly than with an autocratic approach, but often the end result is better.
Often less effective in terms of quality and productivitythan other methods.
Not good in competitive situations.
Often happens naturally in situations where managers are not exerting sufficient control.

No one leadership style is correct.  Situational theories are used dependant on a number of factors such as situation, people, task, organisation environmental variables.

Attempt to influence = leadership
Only way you impacts performance of others is through your behaviour
Depends on your behaviour in a situation.  Match to the performance needs of the group
Ability and willingness needs to be assessed.  Coaching and mentoring is impt.  Up to us to help them grow.

Situational Leadership
Not different strokes for different folk rather...
Different strokes for the same folk depending on task maturity and experience.

Goleman Leadership Styles
Click here to download

Theories - Maori Medium, Pedagogical, Servant, Tarnsformational

Styles - Supporting, coaching, delegating, directinf, coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic,

Attributes - Key competentics, 21st century skills, growth mindset (not there yet, constructive feedback, resilience etc)
Theory: I am a transformational leader
My styles are visionary, directing,
My attributes are inspiring, communication, managing self, participating and conritbuting,

Critical Reflection - prep for Leadership 1


3D Printng so diverse and we have no real idea of where it will go
SculptGL - 3D model to make

We are in a 3D world so 3D printing/modelling is essential and allows for the spatial ability requirements.
Spatial Ability - one of the main components of human intelligence.  Impt for several occupations or educational programs and training.  Spatial ability is pervasive, which means that we need it for almost each activity in everyday life.

Free 3D Modelling software

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