Tuesday 4 December 2018

Week 4 Reflection

In class

Referencing and accessing the MindLab e-library

APA referencing - how to use it correctly for assignments
Always reference things you use even if it isn't a direct quote.

Quote from an ebook:
(Wheeler, Steve and Gerver, 2015) I believe that for educators everywhere, the challenge is to take devices that have the potential for great distraction and boldly appropriate them as tools that can inspire learners, focus their minds, and engage them in learning. 

Wheeler, Steve, and Richard Gerver. Learning with 'e's : Educational theory and practice in the digital age, Crown House Publishing, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/themindlab/detail.action?docID=1918927.
Created from themindlab on 2018-12-04 20:12:43.

Constuctionism - learn by making
Constructivism - constructing something in my head, with someone or alone

Scratch or Makeymakey activity

Co-operation: Idea and concept you can work together but at the end your work does not depend on another person to be complete.
Collaboration: Both parties must complete their work for it to be complete.

Pot luck dinner eg.  Everyone brings an ingredient and dishes are made from the ingredients that are supplied.  This is both constructiveist and constructionist.

Makeymakey task - collaborative and/or coperative
Create a slideset for reflection on this.

Completed and on The Mind Lab Google+ Community.

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