Tuesday 11 December 2018

Week 5 Prep

The Poetry of Programming

This made programming seem very simple.  It another. different language to understand but it can be done.  Kids are good at this and do it easily.  Think more like a child.

I use an example of this when I teach electricity.  Cars on the race track going around obstacles.

Leadership attributes

I read a number of different articles but didn't really like any of them in terms of what I was looking for at that time.  There were points from all that were useful but nothing really stood out. 

Leadership attributes of enrollment managers in higher education institutions in the united states

  • The changing demographics of today’s workforce is impacting the numbers of qualified leaders and changing the skills necessary for leaders to succeed 
  • Additionally, the leadership traits necessary for future leaders is changing
  • "CCL identified the seven leadership skills viewed as important for future leaders as leading employees, strategic planning, inspiring commitment, managing change, resourcefulness, being a quick learner, and doing whatever it takes (Leslie, 2009)"
  •  leaders lack the skills they need to be effective and that ‘resourcefulness’ , defined as working effectively with top management, was the only skill that was found to be a top ten current skill and a top ten needed skill.

Universally enforced attributes of leadership with current prevalent leadership theories taught at texas A&M university
  • Researchers are questioning exactly which competencies are needed to be an effective global leader across cultures
  • It is concluded Transformational and Charismatic leadership theories taught at Texas A&M are universally endorsed theories, while behavioral leadership, task and relationship competencies, are not considered important for westernized leadership. This has profound impacts on the leadership education community.
  • The question becomes: should leadership programs focus more on global leadership theories and competencies?
  • The definition of leadership held by GLOBE researchers is "the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members" (House et al., 2002, p. 5).

  • Presswood, K. R. (2011). Leadership attributes of enrollment managers in higher education institutions in the united states (Order No. 3467586). Available from Education Collection. (883387063). Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/883387063?accountid=196279
  • Leslie, J. (2009). The leadership gap. Center for Creative Leadership. http://www.ccl.org/leadership/pdf/research/leadershipGap.pdf
  • Muenich, J., & Williams, J. (2013). Universally enforced attributes of leadership with current prevalent leadership theories taught at texas A&M university. NACTA Journal, 57(3), 45-50. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1445180917?accountid=196279
  • House, R.J., P.J. Hanges, M. Javidan and P.W. Dorfrnan 2002. Understanding cultures and implicit leadership theories across the globe: An introduction to project GLOBE. Journal of World Business (31), 3-10.

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