Monday 19 November 2018

Post Grad Certificate in Digital and Collaborative Learning Week 1

The first week is down.  Wow, a lot of information.... 

What makes a good leader - working together with those in the followership role.  Promoting and enhancing the qualities of the those you are working with and supporting them in their areas of weakness to develop them into strengths. 
A leader is someone who identify the types leadership required and the time and work within these  It is forever changing and should not be underestimated.

Digital What is knowledge

The video my group produced for week 1 on what knowledge is.  I feel that this summarises my ideas quite well.

My vision of education and its visibility in the classroom
I like to think that i take the view of my students into consideration throughout my lesson.  I have my objectives either on the board for juniors, or laid in in schemes of work etc for the seniors.  From there, I teach through discussion and summarising rather than copying copious amounts of notes.  The students contribute to their own learning by providing prior knowledge and building upon it.

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