Wednesday 21 November 2018

Week 2 Reflection

Starting to think about what the assessments might look  like...

Digital 1 Assessment (Due Dec 11) ideas to think about....
Video submission - group
  • engagement of students in work
  • teachers are stuck in their way of doing things, primarily assessment, and not willing to embrace the change
  • lack of student led learning in sci dept (not just Ed Perfect)
  • Assessment relevance - meeting their needs
Implementation tips - use rubric downloaded

Leadership 1 Assessment (Due 5 Feb) ideas to think about...
Essay submission - individual
  • Literacy leader work
  • Tracking work for seniors
  • Leading the change in 13Bio for flipped classroom
Coogle - good use of mindmaps for students.
WordCloud - use word cloud generator in Google Docs
21st Century Learning Design Acivity Rubrics - downloaded and saved in Drive

21st century skills - different viewpoints

  • World Economic Forum
    • critical thinking/problem solving
    • creativity
    • communication
    • collaboration
  • ITL Research
    • Collaboration
    • Knowledge building
    • Self regulation
    • Use of ICT
    • Communication
    • Real world problem solving
  • Key Competencies
    • Thinking
    • Using language, symbols & texts
    • Managing self
    • Relating to others
    • Participating and contributing

Completing the video and editing it was more difficult than we thought.  It took longer than expected.

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