Tuesday 12 February 2019

Week 8 post

Design thinking mindset
These 7 Mindsets explore and uncover the philosophy behind IDEO's (2017) Design Kit’s approach to creative problem solving (there are a number of videos on this site to explain each of these):
  • Embrace ambiguity - Whose ambiguity - everyones.
  • Optimism
  • Iterate, iterate, iterate
  • Learn from Failure
  • Make it
  • Creative Confidence
  • Empathy

Design thinking TML Kite Model - using IDEO's appraoch
Empathise - main ob

"Main objective is to make the person cry" - get to the root of the issue

Ask questions to find out
Dig deeper by 5 the whys, by the time you get to thelast one you tend to have all the info

Observations about the needs

What are some solutions

Make a solution

Test the prototype

What does the customer think

Some intersting prototypes.  Many based around TIME!!

students, families, community members, practitioners, policy-makers, society at large

Y13 students to obtain 4 credits immediately
Families as they want to know their sons are going to be successful this year
Follows on to Board of Trustees as school goal is for each student to have credits in each subject by the end of T1.

Diffusion of innovations - the adoption curve


Market to each group differently
Innovators - small.  First to learn and adopt.  Risk takers and adventureors.  Introduce to everyone else as they share their exerience.

Smaller - highly thought of.  Indorsement plays role in transcending the gap
How to work with:
  • Offer strong face-to-face support for a limited number of early adopters to trial the new idea.
  • Study the trials carefully to discover how to make the idea more convenient, low cost and marketable.
  • Reward their egos e.g. with media coverage.
  • Promote them as fashion leaders (beginning with the cultish end of the media market).
  • Recruit and train some as peer educators.
  • Maintain relationships with regular feedback.

Majority - 2/3
Early - observe others and only adopt if proven.  Simple, easy fix.  Minimla disruption and commitment.
Late Resistant to change but responsive to peer pressure.  Tested and proven well before using

Highly resistant to change and hard to reach.  Wait until innovtation is mainstream before adopting at all.  Can become an innovator with trying a different way.

Within the different stakeholder groups we can have these levels of innovation.

Leader doesn't become so until there is a follower
Best way to create a movement, have the courage to be a follower.

7 Pillars of Digital Leadership
  1. Communication
  2. Public relations
  3. Branding
  4. Student engagement / learning
  5. Professional growth / development
  6. Re-envisioning learning spaces and environments
  7. Opportunity

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