Tuesday 12 February 2019

week 11

Crowd Sourcing - connecting with large groups of ppl via the internet to gather knowledge, time, expertise or resources
Connecting online to solve problems and produce things

1. Large labour force - find workers
2. Ask crowd for solution
3. Finding and organising knowledge
4. Ideas iopinion and feedback

Crowd Funding - creating capital from those who believe in your venture or cause

Fits into education through enterprise E4E
Top Skills every entrepreneur needs:

  • Creativity
  • Adapatability
  • Flexibility
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Resiliance
  • Forward thinking/Vision
  • Growth mindset
  • Communication 
  • Collaboration
  • Reflective
  • Focus

Pechakucha - presenation of 20 slides for 20 sec each (pechaflickr)
A good way to get students to think on their feet.  Have to have the understanding

Enterprise is in the NZC and across it not just one area.

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes from ATEED videos:
  • Back yourself
  • Gain confidence
  • Forward thinking
  • Building key relationships and diversity
  • Pushes you to your limits
  • Competitive and bring out best
  • Cultural responsiveness
  • Networking 
  • Marketing and packaging
  • Evolved new product
  • Large groups and overcoming obstacles
  • Communication
  • Authentic learning
  • Real money, real time, real product

Entrepreneur - individual
Enterprrise - group/collaborative

Lean Canvas - eg leanstack.com
Halfbaked.com - entrepreneurial Improv Theatre
A good process to work through.  Feedback and forcing to listen is important part.

Assignment 2 - combined.  must submit to both sides of the portal.  however, separate marks for each.
implement and lead digital xyz theses were the successes and the pitfalls.  next time....

Crowdfunding vs Crowdsourcing

Crowdfunding - to get money
9 tips for schools

Provini (2014) provides the following ideas for how you might raise money for schools with crowdfunding:
  1. Use crowdfunding for specific projects or needs, rather than general fundraising
  2. Identify a safe, flexible and transparent platform
  3. Start with reasonable goals
  4. Break large projects into smaller steps
  5. Prepare workgroup members to do intensive marketing
  6. Marketing messages matter!
  7. Target different levels of donors (alumni, community members, parents, local business owners, etc.)
  8. Consider offering rewards and incentives for larger contributors
  9. Offer students leadership opportunities and take advantage of teachable moments

Pledgeme a one pager canvas tool to use.
You need to grab your pledges and get their buy in
Explain idea, short, hook, etc.

Citizen Science
Engaging in citizen science allows people to experience, first-hand, the scientific process and engage scientific thinking at the same time as increasing their knowledge of the specific research topic. Citizen scientists are members of the general public that volunteer their time to work and collaborate with professional scientists to collect data and solve problems on real scientific research questions. (Masters et al., 2016).

Zooniverse - 
Purpose - everyone contributes
Ed value - different perspective, inclusive
Useful/interesting - real world examples

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