Tuesday 12 February 2019

Week 9


"Looking for Peter"
Think bigger and outside the square
A group helped to bounce ideas off and it made it easier.
Learned needed verbal communication, different skills, different perspectives, we don't always need a leader, common goal the thing that leads you.  What is the outcome is impt in terms of if you leader.

Leanrer in the digital age are able to connect and collaborate with others outside of their group.

Connect - collaborate - generate
PLN - Personal Learning Network  Who you interact with
Personal - you choose
Network - connected to others which brings in more
Learning - you are able to further understand and learn

PLE - Personal Learning Environment - How ou interact with them - the tool sets you connect through eg facebook, moodle, staffroom etc

WHy have one - part of becoming an insructional leader, stretch your thinking, offer encouraging words, share resources etc.

PLN/PLE Infographics - Pictochart, Canver
Have a play.....

Dr George Seimens - Connectiveism
Different relationship through blogging
Biggest difference - awareness and interaction
Knowledge is a network product
3 levels - biological, conceptual, external social spaces

Do we need this learning theory?

  • Interesting ideas 
  • Differing ideas
  • Half life - knowledge used to stand for a long period of time, now it can, and does change frequently.  It happends much faster now
  • Exponential growth 
  • MOOCs.  Connect with others, not necessarily for the contect but the capacity for learning

Why fill in a form?

MOOCs - Stephen Downs
Connection more impt than content
Social and neural networks operate on similar concept
Move away from centralised system
Learning management system is personnalised
Read with others rather than going away and doing it on your own

Percpetions of the readers means different meanings can be taken

Interaction with others - personalised interaction needs to be negoiated.  Not prsonalised content but personalised interaction.

People have own autonomy.  Building capacity of people online.

Shift to co-operative rather than collaborative in the future.
Communicate while remaining independent and autonomous.
Independancy rather than interdependantcy

Number and nature of connections - relate to adpoption of innovations
Blurring the line bwtween leadership and followership
Evidence is open to bias.

If you have a vision you are more likely to succeed.
- you reduce the error rate
- on the same pathway

HATTIE asks if the word learning is in visions

Vessel to fill or fire to light!!  Learning.....

Collaborative Leadership - DeWitt
  • Instructional leadership (0.42) - a focus on learning
  • Collective teacher efficacy (1.57) - collaborative leaders foster collaborative expertise
  • Assessment-capable learning (1.44) - collaborative leaders meet students where they are and bring them to a new level
  • Professional Development (0.51) - foster and inspire professional learning and use their venues/meetings to do it
  • Feedback (0.75) - collaborative leaders foster growth in stakeholders and themselves - feedback helps them get there
  • Family engagement (0.49) - giving a voice in the process
Anything above 4 has an effect
4 types of leaders:
Growth Cycle

Leads to idea of change.  Move to Kotter

Management makes a system work, leadership builds systems or transforms old ones

8 steps - Kotter
1996 - linear process, if you miss a step it won't work
  1. Create a sense of urgency (identify crises and opportunities)
  2. Build a guiding coalition
  3. Form a strategic vision and initiatives
  4. Enlist a volunteer army
  5. Enable action by removing barriers
  6. Generate short term wins
  7. Sustain acceleration
  8. Institute change
1-3  creating a climate for change (getting the conditions right)
4-6 Enable and engage
7-8 Implement and sustain change

move to being more agile and iterative
Adaptive and constantly going into things in a cyclic way

The change in thinking...

Entitlement - Y1-10 entitled as a student to learn about DGT, optional Y11-13

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